Did you get a custom paint job on your work van or truck? If so, you should contact our office to make sure you have adequate coverage in case you have to file a claim due to an accident.

Have you recently added any permanently attached equipment to your vehicle like a snowplow, ladder rack, or cleaning equipment? Or did you recently get a custom paint job or vehicle wrap to advertise your business?
If you have answered “yes” or have any other permanently attached equipment or vehicle enhancements, other than those originally installed by the manufacturer, it is important to contact us. We will evaluate your insurance needs and assure that your vehicle is insured adequately.
In addition, we recommend you maintain a record of the permanently attached equipment or vehicle enhancements by taking photos and saving your receipts. In the event of a loss, these may help to assist settling a claim.
Keep in mind that unless we have adjusted the value of your vehicle for these enhancements, they will not be covered in the event of a loss.
We know that these enhancements can be costly, so before it is too late be sure to contact our office. We are always happy to discuss your individual insurance needs.